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Football Manager 2012 - Najava i diskusija


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Namera SEGE u celoj prici je prvobitno bila u tome da se spreci "leak" igrice nekoliko dana pre oficijalnog datuma izlaska. I oni znaju i svesni su da ce igrica biti krekovana, medjutim smatraju da ce im tih nekoliko dana puno znaciti (da igra ne izadje pre 21.10.2011). Ja licno mislim da nesto drugo stoji iza svega ovoga, ali videcemo.


Sto se tice aktivacije, internet je potreban samo prilikom aktivacije i posle ne treba (kad izadje patch bio bi pozeljan da bi se igra updatovala :D ). Steam, medjutim, mora biti instaliran non stop, sto je bzvz jer mrzim steam licno. Nakon aktivacije igra ce biti na vasem nalogu na steamu i disk vam nece trebati (jedna aktivacija po jednom disku). Znaci ako izgubite password ili neki takav podatak mozete da se pozdravite od FM-a bez obzira sto imate original. SEGA uopste nije ovo dobro razmotrila iako su rekli da se ovo razmatra vec 2 godine, desice im se isto sto i pre koju god sa FM2009.


Meni je receno na jednom drugom forumu da ne moras da imas steam poslje aktivacije  :thumbup:

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Ja koliko sam razumeo da ces morati da imas steam, ali da ce moci da se igra i ako steam biti u offline modu :bo: E sad ne razumem se bas u steam toliko i na sta su tacno mislili, pa ne znam da li to znaci da je ugasen steam skroz ili kad ides ono na Friends pa tu stavis offline, mislim da je pre ova druga varijanta.

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Steam ce uvek biti upaljen ali moze i u offline modu. Mada se ljudi zale da taj offline mod ne radi bas najsrecnije.

Steam ce morati da bude upaljen uvek dok se igra, jer i da je iskljucen, kad upalis FM steam se automatski pali.


EDIT: Samo jos da nadodam, sto se tice patchovanja, ove godine ce gotovo sigurno biti samo steam patchevi, nece biti onih regularnih da se skinu i instaliraju kao do sad. Videcemo da li ce to znaciti vise manjih patcheva ili standardna 3.

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ovo je definitivno najbolja novina koju su uveli u FM u duuugo duuugo vremena


''And finally for today, have you ever wanted to compare your star striker in 2040 with your star striker in 2015, only to find the player has long retired and you can’t see his stats anymore? Well, you can now set any player in the game to have their history “retained” by the game, meaning that their player history won’t ever vanish. All you need to do is click on a little tick box, and he is immortalised in the game forever – the game also chooses some key players to keep stored too.''

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New featuers from new podcast :


1) 'how to scout nation' in the Tutorial

2) something complicated about how home-grown status is calculated

3) players will now leave the pitch when subbed at different speeds (i.e. walking off/running off)

4) player search screen now has advisor hints

5) when a scout finishes his assignment, there is now a 'restart assignment' button in the news item

6) agent fees paid used to be under the 'other' section in the finances screen; there is now a separate section for these

7) the tone system that was already announced. There'll be a blog on this soon.

8) can now set squad rules for continental competitions created in the editor

9) minor French language error fixed

10) play-off winners are now listed in league history page instead of team who finished third

11) 3D stadia have been improved and seats can be the same colour as the home team's kit. There will be a video blog on stadia.

12) set-piece takers will now indicate what kind of delivery it will be in the 3D match engine (i.e. near or far post for corners)

13) 'how to make quick tactical changes' in the Tutorial

14) new press conference question for when you sign a player who has played under you before

15) team fine for six yellow cards in a match in leagues with that rule

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New Blog :


FM12 blogs - international management




extra fora  providing you information on players to watch out for in the forthcoming big tournaments depending on which nations or competitions you’re subscribed to.

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FM12 blogs - GUI pt 1

When you have a game with as much detail, and as many options in it like the Football Manager series, the interface between the person playing the game and the computer, known as the GUI (Graphical User Interface) is very important. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to find anything on the screen, so it’d all be a bit pointless.


I’ve often spoken previously about the work that we do with usability companies to try and improve the interface and make it easier for you, the people who play the game, to navigate around, and of course we’ve done that this year. We also have some code that has been tracking our testers and beta testers use of the interface, to see which screens they visit and how they get there, and all of this work has led to what I think is a more streamlined experience.


For those who’ve been playing the series for years, this years’ interface might take a little while to get used to – a few options have moved, there are some new menus, and a clearer split between “club” actions and “squad” actions and screens, but, essentially, everything is now more obvious to find.


We’ve also added something we dub “adaptive layout”. You can see a video of this at http://www.youtube.com/sigames#p/u/19/9iTXka94ePc, but this means that the higher the resolution you play the game in, the more information you can get on screen, with less “white space” in the game. We encourage you to change the games resolution until you find the right amount of information on the screen for you.


The key screens where these changes are noticeable is on the overview screens. These are like the manager homepage that was

added a while back, but now include profiles for clubs, players, nations and more, and add more or less panels according to the resolution. These new profiles have also been made the default for player profiles, for example, but if you want to be a luddite and live in the past, you can change it in the preferences to go to the player attributes screen instead.


On the squad screen, and most screens with columns, you can add and remove columns to your hearts’ content, to really have the interface the way you want it to.


In the spirit of configurability, and as we’re regularly asked on our forums how to change some of the text colours in the game and in particular the colours of the attribute values, we’ve now made this easier too.


The way to do this before was by manually extracting and editing an xml file which isn’t the easiest to explain to people who just want to change a few colours. We’ve now got a simple Attribute Colours panel in the Preferences screen where you can pick your own colours for these and some of the other colours used throughout the game.


We’ve also changed the way you navigate using the Back and Forward arrow buttons. Previously, clicking on them would go through the different players or teams etc. that you’d visited, rather than the different sections within each player or team. So, if you had gone from the team Squad screen to a player’s Profile, and then gone to look at his contract details, clicking on the Back arrow would take you back to the squad screen, which doesn’t really make much sense in this world of people being used to web browsers.


Now if you click Back, it will go back to his Profile, and then clicking it again would take you back to the Squad screen.


However, much like web browsers, if you hold down the back arrow, the last 25 panels you’ve visited are there, so you can just go straight to the one on the list you want to go to. Or, if you want to be a luddite, you can change the system back to what we had in fm2011 in the preferences…


There are also huge changes to way that you can search for players and staff in the game, with a much more powerful filtering system. There are some new ones in there, but it’s a lot easier, and quicker, to filter to find exactly the kind of player and staff that you want to sign.


It should also be mentioned that the list updates dynamically now as you change your search parameters.


And whilst we’re in screenshot mode, tomorrow’s blog will be a little bit different to the others. No video blog. Not much being written, just lots and lots of screenshots for features we’ve already talked about. And maybe some we haven’t, but will be in the coming weeks…


4 new screenshot : Player search

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