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Proposal: Online Tournament between foruns


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Hi guys,Total Soccer saw this and spoke with me so i stop by!

I am administrator at fmXpert, fmxpert.team-forum.net , and stopped by to make an offer to Whoever Is Interested!


The Xpert is a forum focused more on the online side of the game, and we are looking for at least two or three forums to make a tournament!


The idea is to join forums that are more or less related to online gaming and who are interested in placing at least four misters / players!


The format would be something to discuss but i leave you a litle template:

-Make like last 16,as in Champions League

-2 Games 90minutes each,Home and Away

-Teams and mister, are going to draw

-Then do the draw for the games

-We play by hamachi over Xpert so i think wouth be ok to play that way

-Now just need to talk to your opponent and play against him two friendly games home and away!


Do you see what i meen?


If you are interested, let us a message, or say something in Xpert. My nick there is the same,as in here!


You can also shout me at:

[email protected]
fmxpert.team-forum @ hotmail.com



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Ok we are still discussing a way to qualify our players but we must run a pol for members to nominate players and then run a tournament with them and the semi-finalists are qualify for the inter foruns!


We need to discuss format etc so we need to find a way to keep in touch,i would say,nominate a responsavel for it in here and get my email is my msn aswel i set up a chat group for it over msn

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guys fm-view has shown some interest!


We star conversations today mst be easy cuse i just ask to step down my position as GFX staff!

I have very good relation with them....


heres the link over there:


FM-View - http://forum.fm-view.com/topic/13713-proposal-online-tournament-between-foruns/page__pid__302839?do=findComment&comment=302839

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by Gast00n Administrator fm.it

Ciao e benvenuto, ne discuteremo e ti faremo aver risposta con un messaggio personale o tramite e-mail il più presto possibile, qui nel frattempo chiudo


Hi and welcome here, we'll discuss this proposal and we'll contact you very soon, with mail or personal message. Meanwhile i'll close this discussion..


Best Regards

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I don't understand rules, please can you translete it on English? Our team is:










you have there in english as well,but here you have it...




Well these are the proposals we have for you the level of formats and rules!



-Type last 16 Round of the Champions League.

-Two games, home and away (which will be held one after the other!

-Winner moves on

Thus, each player plays for him and his forum!


-The tournament will be held with HAMACHI OR 11.2.1 and 11.2.0 PATCH (both are compatible online) or patch up to date.

- The deadlines must be met by the players, they will be short.

- Deadline for completion of first round matches will be 5 days if the player does not comply with this game will be postponed for one day if the deadline a maximum of players, or both, does not appear and has no justification acceptable will be placed immediately one of the alternates!

- If a player is unreachable, and one that is more interested in not making the game, one should inform the organizers before the time runs out.

- After each game a player must take the prints and post here in the forum (we suggest you take two)

- Must take prints for several moments of the game so if there is any connection it may be proved fallen

- In case dropped call or crash the game, the game being played should be repeated just lack the time unless both agree to start again


In Game:

Create the game in China, December 2009

- They can only make three substitutions + 1 through injury(if the three replacements have already been made), with unlimited number of alternates, ie until 12. Those who exceed this limit lose their game 3-0!

- Red Card in the first game will give the next game suspension

- The use of any publisher or any other kind of cheating and if it detects any offender, it will be expelled from the tournament! (It is requested to inform the organization immediately if it happens to someone)


Tie Criteria:

- Factor home (Goals out / sustained at home)

- If there is still a draw will be held two more games until we find a winner


Number of Teams:

16,one by a different player. Must be chosen by all those responsible!




-4 groups of 4, one from each forum for each group

-Two games, home and away (which will be held one after the other!

-The first two go on to a second phase

Second phase-type quarter-finals, has eliminated the, played two games home and away

(In the second phase may confront members of the same forum!)



RULES will be the top just changes the format!


Number of Teams:

4 teams to be more balanced the level of quality teams and all have the same opportunities for group!






Well to much to translate myself so that was google rules...any miss understanding just let me know!




Última edição por JonasMorais em Sex 25 Fev 2011 - 13:02, editado 2 vez(es)





so firts pick











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