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Više od 1000 pobošljanja i unaprjeđenja će napraviti SEGA-in i Sports Interactive-ov deseti Football Manager najuvjerljivijim i najrealnijim do danas.


14. avgusta/kolovoza 2013.


Sports Interactive i SEGA Europe Ltd. su danas predstavili Football Manager 2014...Koristi više od 1000 poboljšanja i unaprjeđenja u odnosu na prethodnika pa je tako FM 2014 najrealnija simulacija nogometnog menadžmenta ikada izdana.



Osim poboljšane igre, FM 2014 donosi i niz tehničkih inovacija, a igra će bii dostupna i za Linux po prvi puta i sa sistemom ''cloud save'' pa će tako menadžeri svoju karijeru moći nastaviti bilo gdje na svijetu gdje mogu pristupiti računalu.


Vaše FM iskustvo je prilagodljivije nego ikada prije, kao što i integracija Steam Workshopa nudi korisnicima da naprave i podijele sadržaje FMa i vaše iskustvo kao što su razne fotografije ili logosi. Uz to u mogućnosti ste sami izraditi natjecanje pomoću Challenge Editora koji je uključen u sami Football Manager pa ga samim time možete besplatno preuzeti ukoliko posjedujete FM.


"Naš nepromjenjivi cilj u razvoju FMa jeste taj da svijetu dostavimo najizvorniju i najrealističniju simulaciju nogometnog trenera, odnosno menadžera.", izjavio je studijski direktor Sport Interactivea, Miles Jacobson. "Korisnici sada mogu preuzeti kontrolu nad svojim timom bilo gdje gdje mogu pristupiti računalu, uz veliki broj poboljšanja postojećih mogućnosti, plus hrpu novih dodataka."


Neke od najznačajnijih novina u FM 2014 uključuju:


Poboljšani 3D ME

Remont taktičkog sistema

Realniji transferi i ugovori

Sofisticiraniji odnos sa upravom

Kompleksniji odnos između stručnog štaba, igrača i drugih menadžera.

Obnovljen sistem novosti

Poboljšano korisničko sučelje

Prošireni klasični mod.

Dodatne odlike zajednice

Opširne tehničke promjene

Football Manager će izaći u verzijama za Windows PC, Mac i Linux prije Božića 2013.


Počevši od danas, fanovi koji naruče igru prije izlaska kod prodavača koji sudjeluje u akciji će moći uživati u potpuno igrivoj beti otprilike dvije sedmice prije zvaničnog datume izlaska igre. Karijere otpočete u ovoj Beti će se nastaviti nakon izlaska zvanične verzije igre.

Lista prodavnica koje sudjeluju u akciji se može pronaći na www.footballmanager.com


Dodatni detalji o više od 1000 novih i poboljšanih značajki će biti otkrivene tokom idućih sedmica putem Facebooka i Twittera, preko i FM Twitter računa @FootballManager i direktno od Miles Jacobson (@milesSI).

Također će se objavljivati sedmične novosti i video blog vezano za ključne novosti u igri na zvaničnoj web-stranici igre (www.footballmanager.com) dok više detalja o navedenim novostima slijedi ispod.


Više detalja oko glavnih novih značajki u FM 2014


Poboljšan Match Engine


3D Match Engine vidio je mnoge promjene nabolje, uključujući poboljšani Al, poboljšanu rasvjetu te kretnje odnosno animaciju igrača, individualne igrače(izglede) te dresove, mnogo realnije reakcije igrača na incidente na terenu i niz optimizacije koji ovaj serijal čini najljepšim i najbržim što se tiče Match Enginea.


Taktički remont


Tu je kompletan redizajn, od toga kako stvoriti/napraviti taktike, igračke role i timske strategije postaju još istaknutije, nove role igrača i instrukcije za iste te još mnogo poboljšanja kako bi se mogla stvoriti željena taktika.


Realniji transferi i ugovori



FM 2014 ima obnovljen mod u kojem će suprostavljeni klubovi i menadžeri imati puno realniji pristup prilikom izrade ili odgovora na neku ponudu. Osim toga, broj novih ''real life'' opcija kod transfera je povećan, kao što je opcija posudbe igrača klubu od kojeg ste ga kupili, odnosno da on pri kupnji ne dođe odmah u vaš klub već bude na posudbi u svom već tada bivšem klubu. Na vrhu toga, stari ''turn-based'' sistem transfer pregovora se dijeli na dva dijela, korišteni i testirani sistem te novi ''live'' sistem, sličan onome koji se koristi u FMu kada je riječ o pregovorima za ugovor.


Poboljšano korisničko sučelje


Velike promjene su napravljene u FM 2014 što se korisničkog sučelja tiče. Ključna područja su redizajnirana - uključujuči i trening centar, transfer centar te stranica za novosti(inbox).


Football Manager Classic je doživio evoluciju



Menadžeri sada mogu izabrati više od tri države s kojima će igrati u Classic modu. Osim toga, ''fast play'' modu je sada dodan i Transfer deadline, Match plan wizard i nove stvari su otključane.

More than 1,000 improvements and enhancements make Sports Interactive and SEGA®’s tenth Football Manager™ the most compelling and realistic to date


August 14th 2013


Sports Interactive and SEGA Europe Ltd. today unveil Football Manager 2014… the most feature-packed and technically advanced release in the series’ history. Benefitting from more than 1,000 improvements and enhancements over its most recent predecessor, FM 2014 is the most realistic simulation of football management ever released.


In addition to enhanced gameplay, FM 2014 also delivers a range of technical innovations, with the game available on Linux for the first time and the introduction of ‘cloud save’ technology, which means that managers can now pursue a single career from any computer, anywhere in the world.


The FM experience is also more customisable than ever before, as the integration of Steam Workshop tools make it easy for managers to create and share customised FM content and experiences such as photo/logo packs, new and custom competitions and even tailor-made in-game challenges using the new Challenge Editor which has been incorporated into the free-to-download Pre-game Editor.


“Our unchanging goal in the development of the Football Manager series is to deliver the most authentic and immersive simulation of real-world football management wherever you may be in the world,” says Sports Interactive’s Studio Director Miles Jacobson. “Players can now take charge of their team anywhere they can access a home computer, and with huge improvements to existing features plus the addition of loads of new stuff, can have the best Football Manager experience to date while doing so.”


Some significant FM 2014 highlights include:

An improved 3D Match Engine

A tactical overhaul

More realistic transfers and contracts

More sophisticated board interaction

More complex interaction between staff, players and rival managers

A revamped news system

An enhanced user interface

Evolution for Classic mode

Additional community features

Extensive tech improvements

Football Manager 2014 will be released for Windows PC, Mac and Linux before Xmas 2013.


From today, fans who pre-order a copy of FM 2014 from a participating retailer (high street or digital download) will enjoy early access to a fully-playable Beta version of the game, available roughly two weeks prior to the official release date. Careers started in this Beta version will continue in the full game. A list of participating retailers can be found at www.footballmanager.com


Further details on the game’s 1,000-plus new and enhanced features will be revealed over the coming weeks via Facebook and Twitter, from both the Football Manager account (@FootballManager) and from Miles Jacobson directly (@milesSI).


There will also be weekly updates and video blogs detailing many of the key features at the game’s official website (www.footballmanager.com) while more detail on the headline features announced today follows below.


More detail on FM 2014’s major new features


Improved Match Engine

The 3D Match Engine has seen extensive improvements, including enhanced AI, improved lighting and player animation, individual player character and kit models, more realistic player reaction to on-field incidents and a range of optimisations which combine to make this the best looking and fastest FM Match Engine yet.


Tactical overhaul

There has been a complete redesign of how tactics are created, selected and implemented with player roles and team strategies becoming even more prominent, definable roles for players for multiple positions, new player roles and instructions and improvements to rival managers' AI so that they’ll adapt their tactics more readily over time.


More realistic transfers and contracts

FM 2014 features a revamped transfer module where opposing clubs and managers adopt a more realistic approach when making or responding to transfer offers. In addition, a number of new ‘real world’ transfer clauses have been added, such as the facility to loan a player back to the club he’s just been bought from and the option to offer a combination of cash and loan players, as well as new contract clauses such as a sub bench appearance fee. On top of this, the old ‘turn-based’ system of transfer negotiations can now be done two ways, the tried and tested system and a new ‘live’ system, similar to that used in FM’s contract negotiations.


More sophisticated board interaction

Contract negotiations are more realistic in FM 2014, as managers and boards can now make demands and lay down their respective visions for the club in both initial job interviews and contract renewal discussions. Managers can also attempt to renegotiate transfer and wage budgets as a reward for staying loyal if they’ve been offered a job by another club, with the outcome helping aid their decision on whether to move or not.


Improved interaction with players, staff and media

There is now better interaction between players, managers, their rivals and the media; for example, members of the coaching staff now offer feedback on how reserve and youth team players are performing. Managers can also ask key players to have a word with unhappy squad members, while the introduction of an end-of-season meeting allows the manager to let the squad know how they have performed and set targets for the coming season.


News system

The news system has been overhauled so managers can now deal with many club matters directly from their inbox. In addition, news is now colour-coded, based on category, and contains more detail – for example, scout reports now appear as a single news item with a top-line report on all players scouted and the facility to shortlist or make an offer for each of these players.


Enhanced user interface

Major changes have been made to FM 2014’s user interface. Key areas have been redesigned – including the training overview page, the transfer centre and the news homepage – while widespread changes have been made across the game’s user interface. The language employed throughout the game has also enjoyed a major overhaul and now corresponds more closely to the language of real world football.


Football Manager Classic evolved

Managers can now choose more than three playable nations in Classic mode for a more immersive experience. In addition, FM’s ‘fast play’ mode now includes Transfer Deadline Day, a Match Plan wizard and new unlockables.





Par fotki








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Tactical overhaul

There has been a complete redesign of how tactics are created, selected and implemented with player roles and team strategies becoming even more prominent, definable roles for players for multiple positions, new player roles and instructions and improvements to rival managers' AI so that they’ll adapt their tactics more readily over time.


Bice penetriranja.

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Ne trebaju nam pie charts xD


Tactical overhaul

There has been a complete redesign of how tactics are created, selected and implemented with player roles and team strategies becoming even more prominent, definable roles for players for multiple positions, new player roles and instructions and improvements to rival managers' AI so that they’ll adapt their tactics more readily over time.


facepalm facepalm

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Obećava uspešnu godinu za FMB :)


Edit: Samo da znate da ćete verovatno imati preko našeg foruma mogućnost kupovine novog FM-a, po verovatno povoljnijoj ceni od tih koje se trenutno nude. Nemojte da žurite sa kupovinom, bićete na vreme obavešteni o svemu.

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