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Match Engine Update 13.2


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Changes to the Match Engine listed below. All Match Engine feedback in this thread please, and try to keep it constructive where possible. Thanks.




More improvements to on ball decision making and pass choice

Improved central midfielder starting position when team is in possession

Tweaked midfielder and attacker positions when team is defending

Fixed a couple of bugs causing players to fail to turn to face required direction properly

Improved facing direction of player marking opponent who is moving onto a pass

Fixed bug allowing players being able to partially "go through" other players to get ball without being penalised

Small tweaks to improve the way players move onto passes or loose balls

Reduced some instances of closing down of keeper when clearly illogical in context of player and his instructions

Cleaned up a few bugs that delayed retrieval of ball at set pieces or kick offs

A bunch of ball physics fixes mainly related to collisions and ball spin after bounce

Reduced slightly unrealistic ball to player deflections

More improvements to pass choice AI

Tweaks to run with ball and first touch AI

Reduced tackles that end in own goals

Some tweaks to basic central midfielder positions

Fixed some dodgy marking at mid pitch free kicks

Improved full back positioning when waiting for short keeper distribution

Improved near and far post corner aim point

Some further ball physics fixes and refinements

Fixed goal not always given if ball stops just over goal line

Fixed some rare instances of player collision avoidance failing

Further refinements to pass AI

Improved pass, shot or header accuracy logic

Further improvements to player reactions to the ball

Fixed defences staying to deep just after corner taken

Refined player positioning when defending free kicks from wide

Made players press more collectively and aggressively when required

Improved positioning of defenders against attackers running at pace

Refined tackling AI a bit

Improved facing direction while marking opponent around own area

Fixed some more keeper AI bugs

Improved collision avoidance AI slightly

Fine tuned ball trajectory chosen by player for kick, header etc.

Fine tuned kick and header accuracy logic

Fine-tuned pass and general on ball AI

Tuned long shot frequency and AI

Toned down pressing slightly in certain situations

Improved marking and engagement of ball player in wide areas

Tuned tackling AI further

Couple of small fixes to player reactions

Fixed some small player pathing anomalies

Fixed a couple of goalkeeper AI anomalies

Improved marking and engagement of ball player further

Fixed some instances of risky keeper distribution

Fine-tuned kick/header accuracy

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to je samo za match engine ionako igram na 2D ništa posebno nisu napravili...trebali bi malo popraviti team talk nekad novinari znaju da pitaj gluposti kao kad igram s man.city-em derbi a on me kaže da je to utakmica u kojoj mogu odmoriti igrače poput jonesa i neymara i tako za svaku veću utakmicu...

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to je samo za match engine ionako igram na 2D ništa posebno nisu napravili...trebali bi malo popraviti team talk nekad novinari znaju da pitaj gluposti kao kad igram s man.city-em derbi a on me kaže da je to utakmica u kojoj mogu odmoriti igrače poput jonesa i neymara i tako za svaku veću utakmicu...

Match engine je nesto sto ima veze i sa 2d i sa 3d kamerama.

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znam ling samo što je meni na 2D sve normalno ništa ne treba slagat dok na 3D lopta se skliže po terenu kao da igraju hokej a ne nogomet i još neke stvari dok to nije slučaj u 2D...jesi vidio kolko je vitesse pobjedio u RL ado u kupu :) 10-1 je bilo...

Edited by ZakNik
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dobar je ovaj patch prva utakmica sa njim...i tako sam sretan što su popravili match report sad ću bez oduška moć gledat kako moje mlade nade igraju u rezervama :)



Edited by ZakNik
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ne znam jel su sa ovim patchem olakšali FM skroz...da zanemarimo ovaj poraz na SS moj tim zabija ko blesav već u par utakmica...i to od 6 pa do 10 golova...



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ne znam jel se to samo meni događa ali ovo je skroz bezveze




u zadnje 4 utakmice sam zabijo golova kolko prije nisam u 10 kola zabijo -.- nisu mi valjda sjebali igru...

i neymar mi je dao 7 golova na jednoj utakmici wtf?

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jebem mi sve mogli su ostavit kako je bilo sad ću izgubiti volju za igranjem -.-


prevršena svaka mjera ne igram FM do daljnjeg dok ne poprave ovo...



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