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Metalic Logos


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FM 2013 logosi ulepšavaju igru, kao i facepack-ovi.Možda oni nisu od tako vitalnog značaja za korišćenje, ali ipak je zaista sjajno videti originalni grb kluba kada unesete njegov profil.Štaviše, logopack obuhvata logotipe svim ligama.Autor logosa je SortItOutsi



Kako instalirati FM 2013 logopack


Instalacioni koraci su isti kao i za face.


1.Skineš fajl

2.Otpakujete preuzetu datoteku arhive

3.Postaviti arhivirane fajlove u "Graphics" subfolder od vaseg FM-a. Putanja:

* My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/Graphics

Omoguciti / onemoguciti dve opcije u vasem FM 2013 Preferences

- Use caching to decrease page loading times = Off

- Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences = On


Zato, nemojte razmišljati, već samo skinite Football Manager 2013 Logopack ako već niste! Obećavam da ćete se još više zadovoljiti igrom.


Link za skidanje - http://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/3/metallic-logos

Edited by Ventus
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Tko hoće skidati s rapidshare s full brzinom bez ikakvog placanja neka mi se javi na poruke, jer neznam smijem li staviti link do tutoriala kako to napraviti!

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Once you've downloaded it you'll be presented with a ".zip" file. Extract this file to the following location "My Documents » Sports Interactive".

If you're not sure how to extract the file or for some reason you're getting [b]less than 120,000 images[/b]. Please [url="http://www.7zip.com/"]click here to download 7zip[/url], We are 100% sure that the file works with 7zip. Success with other programs may vary.

If you are asked to overwrite any files it's okay to do so, but if you're downloading packs in multiple parts make sure to unzip "part 1" then "part 2" etc otherwise the old versions will overwrite the new ones.

Once you've done this, load up Football Manager and go to "Preferences" and then "Display & Sound". Make sure that you tick the check box on the page called "Always Reload Skin on Confirm" and un-tick then box saying "Use Skin Cache". Hit Confirm.

There should be a box that pops up saying "loading image data for the new skin". Once this is done your graphics should be working within the game.

If you want you can know go back into "Preferences" and "Display & Sound" and un-tick "Always Reload Skin on Confirm" and re-tick "Use Skin Cache".

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mislim da sam razumeo , svaki rar je poseban ne zavisi od drugog , malo je teze sklopiti ali sad mislim da sam razumeo, fora je da se onaj prvi rar uzme i vidis koje sve imas foldere pa posle kad druge otvoris u rar samo kopiras u folder koji kome odgovara jer je ovako razbacano i tesko snaci , ako si me razumeo samo potvrdi

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sta ima tu da se zna , ispade ne znam rar otvoriti ? kazem lepo svaki fajl rara je nezavistan , dok sam sve obavio prodje ceo dan , ali vredelo je jel koliko vidim odlican ( prodje ceo dan jer je sve trebalo kopirati i od ti 6 delova napraviti jedan normalan) , prijatelju ako nisi probao ne pricaj napamet

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